Backpacking Books
Backpacking Books & Hiking Books
Backpacking Books offers pre-selected book indices, accessible from the "Featured-Books Menu" on the left side of this page and also from the list below. We have researched available books in each category and have selected and listed the most popular, time-tested titles.
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- Backcountry Cuisine - cookbooks, backpacking recipe books, books on dehydrating food and books providing practical advice on how to stay well-fed and healthy in the backcountry.
- Backcountry Navigation - books on navigational instruments and techniques. Books on map reading, orienteering and backcountry navigational skills (How to Stay Found!).
- Bad Back Remedies - books that provide non-surgical solutions to mitigate pain and repair back and neck problems. These approaches are proven to work as testified by the many who have posted reviews. Caution is the word - each one of us is different and the same treatment probably won't work for everyone. We will tell you, though, that the methods in the McKenzie books worked well for us.
- Birds & Bird Watching - books on bird photography, bird identification and bird watching.
- Hiking & Backpacking Books (popular) - a list of the more popular and useful backpacking and hiking related books. Here we've listed the books that we feel provide the technique, safety & equipment knowledge needed for beginners and experienced backcountry travelers.
- Hiking with Children - a list of books providing much guidance for parents desiring to take their children into the backcountry as well as books that give information on where to go hiking in your region. If the "best hikes with children" book for your area isn't included on the list, then use the search tool on the bottom of the page to look for it. There are too many of the "best hike" books for us to list all of them.
- Home-made Outdoor Gear - books on topics related to helping you make your own outdoor gear.
- National Geographic - some of our favorite National Geographic publications and maps. There are many more maps, globes, atlases and such, so don't be shy about using the link at the bottom of the page to explore more stuff at the online National Geographic store.
- Suggested by Members of the Backcountry Forums - a wonderful collection of books that were recently compiled by the members of the Backpacking Lightweight Discussion Community on a wide ranging set of topics - instructional and entertaining.
- Backpack Travel Resources (popular) - places to go, sites to see, stories to tell and guide books and maps to help you get there and back.
- Winter Backcountry Travel - books on snowshoeing, winter hiking and backpacking books, winter hiking trails, and practical guidance for cold-weather camping & backcountry travel.
We hope you enjoy your traverse of the Backpacking Lightweight website, and along the way, pick up the books you need to help you or to entertain you in all of the adventures that you pursue.